Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live. -Mark Twain

Some useful resources and links for cycle touring.

Hospitality networks

The main hospex (hospitality exchange) networks of the past, couchsurfing and warmshowers, have sadly fallen under more and more corporate sway that is not nessecarily aligned with the interests of the people in them. The great communities they fostered in the past have suffered as a result. Couchsurfing does not even allow viewing old accounts without paying. Warmshowers, community and volunteer built since 1993 now has a corporate board since 2015 after the founder’s retirement, and it has been making some questionable descisions. See

There is a small effort to create a federated protocol to connect hosting exchange communities, and avoid having data trapped in one network. See their main webpage for their aims and philosophies:

Casa de Ciclistas

Mainly a latin american institution. People opening their houses or gardens for ciclaviajeros. This webpage from 2010 lists many, unknown if the hosts are still active: Below is certainly an incomplete list, if you know of one please say so.







Red de Apoyo Cicloviajero México (RAC)

Network formed after the murder of two cyclists in Chiapas in 2018. Very active whatsapp group of people throughout mexico offering advice, hosting, etc. Also map showing where support is located.


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