Abalones, longosta. Here they are both sold almost exclusively to Chinese buyers. The abalone are harvested by a man in a wetsuit, breathing from a hose going to the surface.

fried abalones

dried lobster, if only I had unlimited supply
Omar and Tere feed us, put us up in a shack, tellmany stories of the world passing by the village of just a few families. Cyclists, motos, someone running down mexico. Their son Aldo studied criminology in Ensanada and will soon leave.

san jose del faro fisherman's hut

a nice plywood shack
We fill up to some 13L of water for a leisurely ride down the coast.

nice baja coast

how many moto riders does it take to fix a flat tire? of course they didn't bring the wrench to take the wheel off...
In the horizon, an apparition in the desert, a sleek spaceship overlander RV. Such a machine must be filled with refrigerators and glistening cold cervezas. A prayer to the cerveza gods and behold, the spaceship stops, the glistening cervezas are foisted to the pious.

and we won't ask too many questions about this fish

nor this one

its like firewood, but it comes out of a cow
In the night a coyote comes and steals a bottle. Apparently they learned how to open water bottles.
In the mountains, a Misión named San Borja. A woman warned us the señor here is un poco loco.
San Borja, built in the 1700’s by the enthusiastic Indians
Later we learn this man is known to be a bit off the rocker. He once stabbed a tourist’s dog to death because it was barking at him. And apparently he likes to give people brackish water and harrass women.

the dishes

thank you to the mexican government for telling me which foods to buy


amazing homemade hybrid moto that can run off gas or drill batteries

the cactus got me

love these sidewalks that end in a 6 foot drop

casa diaz, Bahía de los Angeles, 400/n doble on the playa...
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